mascot Can Man loves a gig

Venue Profile

The Louis (The Lewisham Hotel)

🕯️ Note: This venue is sadly no longer with us.

794 Parramatta Rd
Lewisham NSW 2049 [see map]

Capacity: Unknown

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Past Gigs (1)

Jul '23




W/ Cammy Cautious & The Wrestlers, Hugh M. Hominid, DJ 80-HD

7:00pm The Louis (The Lewisham Hotel)


Launch for Romance's 7" (titled "Seven Inches Of ..."). Band includes writer Max Easton (also from Basic Human), Greg Clennar (Display Homes), Ben Luke (V.I.P.P, Dumbbells) and Jane ("first timer"!) Max also reports that this is the first multi-band lineup to take place at The Louis in quite some time, great to see another pub taking a punt at gigs!