mascot Can Man loves a gig

Venue Profile

Dingbats Party Pit

16-18 O'Connell Street
Sydney NSW 2000 [see map]

Capacity: Unknown

About Dingbats Party Pit

Underneath Arcade Bar, the folks behind Frankie's Pizza are hosting a regular hard rock night in this space

Do you have information about this venue?

We want to build a comprehensive reference of venue specs, accessibility information and much more. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch.

Upcoming Gigs (1)

Mar '25



Mannequin Death Squad

W/ Big Red Fire Truck, Bloody Legend, The Hush, Poizon’Us

8:00pm Dingbats Party Pit


Launch of the new "Dingbats Party Pit" from the team behind Frankie's, located below Arcade Bar in the CBD

Past Gigs (0)